Monday, July 13, 2009 7/13/2009 09:32:00 AM

NECOP Annual Ride Against Crime

Please join us for the NECOP Ride Around to celebrate the National Night Out Against Crime.

NorthEast Citizens’ Patrol
Annual Ride Around Celebration
on National Night Out Against Crime
Tuesday, August 4th , 6:30 PM at
Stadium Place at 900 E. 33rd St.

Sponsored by
Ednor Gardens
Lakeside Civic

Come join the members of the NorthEast Citizens Patrol celebrate our 9th year anniversary at our annual Ride Around on “National Night Out” against crime.
We will gather at Stadium Place starting at 6:30 PM, and at 7:00 PM, we will ride through Northeast Baltimore in a police escorted motorcade. We will return to Stadium Place for a celebratory cookout sponsored by the Ednor Gardens Lakeside Civic Association and HARBEL.

Everyone is welcome to participate in this celebration of a 26% reduction in violent crime in Northeast Baltimore since the Patrol’s inception in January of 2000.

Monday, July 6, 2009 7/06/2009 11:28:00 AM

Welcome to the Waltherson Watch

Hi all,

Rob Walshe here. After taking on the roles of NECOP coordinator and Safety Ambassador for the Waltherson neighborhood I decided to create a blog and facebook group to keep people informed regularly of safety issues and opportunities.

As you may know NECOP (Northeast Citizens on Patrol) patrols started up again for Waltherson in June. The patrols occur on Thursday and Friday nights starting at 7:30 PM at the Northeast District Police Station and typically end before 11 PM though participants do not have to stay out the entire duration of the patrol. There is also a Patrol scheduled for Saturday, July 18th and Saturday, August 1st. Please comment or contact me if you are interested.

I hope to have more information posted in the coming weeks.


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