There will be a general public zoom meeting on Thursday, March 31 at 7 p.m.   The purpose of this meeting is for the communities in the area of the proposed BD7 liquor license transfer to meet Mr. Sharma the proprietor of the business at 4627 Harford Road.  During this time community members will have a chance to ask questions and present any issues which may affect their communities as a result of a BD7 tavern/liquor store operating at 4627 Harford Road.  

On January 17, 2022 there was an initial zoom meeting  to discuss the proposed  BD7 liquor license transfer. This meeting was hosted by the Harford Road CRP.   Those in attendance included Mr. Sharma (proprietor), Mr. Stephan Fogleman Esq. Daniel Doty (HLMS), and several members of the Harford Road CRP.  On February 17 community representatives from Beverly HIlls, Lauraville, and Moravia/Walther presented Mr. Sharma with a list of questions resulting from the information gathered at the January 17 meeting.  Attached is the list of questions with answers provided by Mr. Sharma.

Below is the information for the upcoming March 31 Zoom meeting

Topic: 4627 Harford Road
Time: Mar 31, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 3714 9642
Passcode: 398334
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,82737149642#,,,,*398334# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,82737149642#,,,,*398334# US (Chicago)

Click here to read the Q&A