Thursday, June 6, 2013 6/06/2013 11:57:00 AM

Waltherson Community Meeting Minutes 6/5/13

1.       Regina and Mt Zion Hill Baptist spoke of plans for parking lot.
a.       It will need to be repaved
b.      There will be a fence
c.       Greening is mandated
d.      30-50 parking spaces
e.      A vote of support was called for and approved unanimously.
2.       Councilman Brandon Scott
a.       Shootings on Glenmore, Southern Ave, & Perring Manor Rd on 6/5/13 were noted
b.      Working to get more resources for the Northeast District
c.       Mentioned to use online police reporting when possible
d.      Question raised about a Church on Ailsa Ave in single family home.
                                                               i.      Waiting for Health Department to gauge sound complaints
                                                             ii.      Call for police / 311 for parking complaints
3.       Police Department
a.       Burglaries
                                                               i.      Criminals entering from rear or kicking out air conditioner
                                                             ii.      Call 911 for suspicious activity or unknown cars in alleys
                                                            iii.      Burglary patrol is focused on high call areas
b.      Shooting on 3700 Glenmore on 6/5/13
                                                               i.      Individual shot in car
                                                             ii.      Bullet was still inside car
                                                            iii.      Money was still present in the car indicating it was not a robbery
                                                           iv.      Neighbors did not report hearing shooting
c.       Shooting on 4300 Southern on 6/5/13
                                                               i.      Police mentioned two individuals shot in car
                                                             ii.      Due to argument that began at Mirage nightclub
                                                            iii.      Victim broke his ‘burn’ phones after being shot
d.      Arrest was made in the barbershop shooting on 5/11/13 on 4900 Belair Road
e.      No arrest in shooting at 4900 Belair road on 5/10/13.
f.        Question was asked about the raid on 4900 blk of St. George's Avenue but police could not provide additional details on the case other than was already in the media.
4.       Mike Hilliard
a.       2nd Annual North Baltimore Public Safety Summit
                                                               i.      Saturday June 15th @ Morgan State U Student Center Auditorium
                                                             ii.      Registration begins at 8 AM
                                                            iii.      State’s Attorney Gregg Bernstein to kick of meeting at 9 AM
                                                           iv.      Workshops topics on Cyber Safety, Bullying, and Personal Safety
                                                             v.      RSVP @
5.       Woman was concerned about parked cars in Moravia-Walther.
a.       Mike Hilliard mentioned the cars had illegal / counterfeit tags
b.      Brandon Scott is investigating.
c.       We referred her to the Moravia-Walther community association.
d.      Note was made about parked cars on Belair & Southern that may be unlicensed / missing tags
6.       Cory McCray mentioned he is running for the 45th District MD House of Delegates
a.       More info can be found at
7.       Announcements
a.       Recommendation to do something for our 70th Anniversary on October 19th.
b.      Discussion of changing date/ time / frequency of our meetings
                                                               i.      It was noted that this requires a change in bylaws
c.       Kick off meeting to plan a Waltherson Block Party
                                                               i.      7 PM Lost Amigos | Saturday, June 8th

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 6/05/2013 10:32:00 AM

Dress for Success getting more closet space in new Northeast Baltimore digs

"The local affiliate of Dress for Success is moving to 5525 Belair Road in June, an expansion that will give the nonprofit more room to outfit low-income women with gently used professional clothing.  Dress will occupy about 1,300-square-feet on the lower level and first floor of a rowhouse in the city’s Waltherson neighborhood in Northeast Baltimore."

Read more at:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013 6/04/2013 08:50:00 AM

Tuesday Farmer's Market Starts Today!

Monday, June 3, 2013 6/03/2013 07:45:00 AM

June Newsletter and Meeting

Our June newsletter can be found at the link below and our community meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 5th at 7:45 PM at Harbel. We will have Mt Zion Hill Baptist Church to discuss plans for a parking lot at 4803 Harford Road (vacant lot at Southern Ave).

We have no community meeting in July.

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